Molecular Genetics Lab (Firth Lab)
Associate Professor Neville Firth
The University of Sydney, AU
The Firth Lab leads the world in the study of staphylococcal multiresistance plasmids, having previously provided insight into their replication, transfer, partitioning, resolution, post-segregational killing and regulatory systems, as well as their evolution and mechanisms of resistance gene accretion. The Firth Lab and the Ramsay Lab have been collaborating since 2015 to develop a comprehensive understanding of conjugative DNA-transfer mechanisms in the important multiresistant human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus. Since 2016 the team has published collaborative primary research in Nucleic Acids Research, Journal of Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy and invited reviews and book chapters in Current Opinion in Microbiology, Mobile Genetic Elements, Frontiers in Microbiology and ASM Microbiology Spectrum.
Shared Students
Dr Karina Yui Eto
Amy Davis
Collaborative Funding
2017 NHMRC Project Grant "Redefining antibiotic resistance plasmid transfer in Staphylococcus aureus" APP1145697. ($735,585) CIA Neville Firth (UoS), CIB Joshua Ramsay (Curtin) and CIC Charles Bond (UWA).
Professor Clive Ronson
University of Otago, NZ
Shared Students
Drew Hall
Will Jowsey
Calum Morris
Tahlia Bastholm
Collaborative Funding
2017 Royal Society of New Zealand, Marsden Fund. "Silencing unwanted expression in molecular circuits using naturally evolved solutions" ($750,000 NZD)
Murdoch University, AU
Shared Students
Tahlia Bastholm
Dr Timothy Haskett
Collaborative Funding
2019 Grains Research and Development Corporation "Increasing the effectiveness of nitrogen fixation in pulses through improved rhizobial strains in the GRDC Western Region" ($1,980,000). Murdoch University
The University of Western Australia, AU
The Bond Lab, hosted out of the School of Molecular Sciences at the University of Western Australia, focus on Nucleic acid binding proteins and their three-dimensional structure. With a focus on primarily X-ray crystallographic techniques, as well as synchrotron science, the Bond Lab has collaborated with the Ramsay Lab since 2013 on Staphlococcal and Mesorhizobial DNA-binding and protein-targeting proteins involved in MGE regulation. Other biophysical techniques, such as MST and ITC, are also hosted out of the School of Molecular Sciences.
Shared Students
Drew Hall
Dr Karina Yui Eto
Callum Verdonk
Collaborative Funding
2017 ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities "From powders to proteins: Improving diffraction science in Western Australia" ($700,000)
2017 NHMRC Project Grant "Redefining antibiotic resistance plasmid transfer in Staphylococcus aureus" APP1145697. ($735,585) CIA Neville Firth (UoS), CIB Joshua Ramsay (Curtin) and CIC Charles Bond (UWA).
Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory
Murdoch University and Department of Microbiology, Fiona Stanley Hospital, AU
Shared Students
Riley Murphy
Amy Davis